What is STFE?

Stop, Think, Focus, Execute is a marketing and business logic process developed by Philip Bliss based on decades of experience and observation. It is a near infallible system that enables entrepreneurs and organizations to break through existing barriers, make tough decisions, re-assess and re-evaluate what is holding their business back.

Who is STFE for?

STFE is designed for business owners who want to:

  1. Regain growth
  2. Manage high growth
  3. Launch new ideas
  4. Rethink everything

How can it help me?

“We stopped and thought and created a new company. As a result we went two years ahead of our competitors”

Bille Redmond – Founder & CEO, Trademark Properties

Watch the STFE Discovery Seminar to learn how the program will help your business grow. Click the link below to learn more about the program

Stop Icon


Stop is discovery. It is about taking the time for thoughtful, decisive isolation, going off the grid, and truly disconnecting from the busyness of your day to day.

Think Icon


Think is rediscovery. This step is life changing and helps you move towards entirely new horizons.

Focus Icon


Focus is decision. At this point you explore critical success factors and engage in deep analysis before choosing which options are worth pursuing further.

Execute Icon


Execute is action. Success starts with the results of the first three steps plus a combination of a clear strategy, milestones, and accountability.

Sign-up to learn more about the STFE program